Times of Youth: For those who don’t know about you and your work, can you tell us a little about yourself?
I would describe myself as a socially conscious individual who, through my childhood, has seen the great divide in the social classes and saw the unfairness that it causes on the great masses through first hand experience and was very discontent with those systems of the ruling classes. Fortunately enough, I was given the opportunity to come and join my family here in the UK at the age of thirteen and although better chances of education are in place here, the same ruling system prevails and the divide still exists and is growing wider.
I received training in photography and digital media and and worked in various different fields of photography self publishing a book titled “Work, play and no rest” about childhood in third world countries, as well as some documentary films.
Times of Youth: How would you describe your work to someone who has never known about it?
My life changed dramatically one night in March 2012 when after work I went for a few drinks and was assaulted by the doorman and in the brawl, I injured him while defending myself and yet, I was found guilty and sentenced to five years in prison.
This was the lowest time in my life and as a result of not only having my freedom taken away for defending myself I had to close my studio down and was left to suffer from a bad back condition for which I was operated for. It took my two and a half years of life there as well as my camera or any means of creating art, apart from the basic acrylic paints and brushes and the almighty pen and paper.
I began to paint and was surprised to find it interesting, as well as better than begging at least. It gave me a focus and a way of expressing all those feelings and emotions that I had during that time.
I was given permission to take an easel and some brushes and bits of paint to the cell and painted for most of my time in prison.
The paintings are about lots of different things, some political, some about feelings, beauty, emotions, colours and humor.
Times of Youth: What sparked your initial interest in arts?
I wanted to make film from a very young age but photography was the easiest and cheapest way to get into the visual arts and I figured that if I learned to frame and compose images then that I would be able to do cinematography and direct film eventually!
Times of Youth: At what age did you start doing all this work? Has your family always been supportive of this choice of career?
I did my first photography course at the age of 16, but did not go back to it until I was 26 and later did an accessory course and then a degree in it. I had several businesses, too, that time but they were something I did not feel passionate about, so I decided to do what really interested me.
My family wanted me, like all my other brothers and sisters, to get into a secure profession. But, that is not what I enjoy. Therefore, as time has advanced, they began to support me in my choice and they are proud of the things I have achieved and will be more proud in the times to come.
Times of Youth: Which of your projects are you most proud of and why?
There are few projects that I am proud about. The biggest achievement so far is that six copies of my book are at the British library and they will be there for centuries to come!! The second would be a documentary I did in the Amazon, spending time with an indigenous community by the river banks, documenting how their lives are being affected by deforestation, global warming and excessive trawling and fishing in the Amazon river. Unfortunately, it has not been broadcasted yet. But, I am proud of the work and is still on my plans to broadcast.
Last but not least, my latest and biggest achievement was to teach myself how to paint and get myself to the standard of painting that I have reached through determination, considering the materials and classes were very limited.
This came from sheer determination from the goal that the time in prison was not going to diminish me, but instead I was going to come out a better man and excelling at something.
Times of Youth: Where do you see yourself in next 5 years?
In the next five years I see myself as a well established artist, doing what I love most, which is creating art and to have been able to direct my first film from the screenplay I wrote while in prison titled ‘Alphabet Soup’.
Times of Youth: What is one question nobody has ever asked you— that you wish they asked you?
The question that no one has asked which I wished they had, would be, which charity project would you like us to fund and would you head it?
Times of Youth: Any message to your fans or followers via TIMES OF YOUTH?
My message to all of you young minds reading this is : Follow your dreams as it would be better to die happy, trying to pursue what you love, than be in misery while doing something you don’t like, just for the sake of a pay package. Because when you die, whatever you earned stays here and you only take the joys you had when living.
Times of Youth: Do tell us how fans can contact you to share their appreciation/feedback/suggestions.
You can see all my paintings and a more detailed story about my paintings as well as the dates for my upcoming exhibitions by subscribing to my website www.juliocesarts.com twitter @juliocesartist8
FB Julio Cesar Osorio’s art https://www.facebook.com/pages/Julio-Cesar-Osorios-Art/748080938619303 Tumblr http://juliocesarosoriopainterus.tumblr.com/ Pinterest https://uk.pinterest.com/juliocesartist/