I Amit Gupta aged 25 from Delhi doing Company Secretary course from ICSI. I am basically from the tribal land of Chhattisgarh moved to Delhi in 2009 for my further studies and did my graduation from Delhi University. I always had a soft corner for photography since my childhood I started shooting with a Yashika MF2 camera which was a film roll camera, then few years after that I got a Sony cyber shot which was a upgrade for me as I switched form a film roll camera to a digital camera. Then about 3 years back I got my first Nikon DSLR camera. Initially I stared with the kit lens but upgraded the lens from time to time according to the use. I like wildlife and bird photography for that I try to visit a national park or a bird sanctuary or the outskirts ever weekend or whenever I get time. Sudhir Shivraman inspired me the most and due to him I spend much of my time in wild life photography As a photographer I think three most important aspects to shoot the subjects most fantastically are light, speed, viewing angle of the subjects, that is how a photographer frames the subject.